domingo, 16 de marzo de 2014


It had been a year since his last visit to miss. Havisham. Pip an afternoom he asked Joe to go visit Miss. Havisham to thank . Joe had another black smith, Orlick, and I heart that Pip would have the afternoom off and also wanted an afternoom , but Mr Joe accepted that I was hearing all began to argue with him and Joe had yo fight him when Pip came home from Miss. Havisham realized that Estella was not premium but the old woman. Pip told the old woman was going to thank him but the wise old woman that was going to see Estella                                                                                                                                                      back in town with Mrs. Wopsle was found and I walked together, it was dark when he found Orlick.  He heard gunshots and run to see what had happened and it was her sister who was wound and next a string of convicted. She was sick for a long time and when he died was Mrs. Biddy Wopsle who cared as it was understond it better.                                    one day Pip and Biddy went for a walk throufht the swamp and Pip told him I wanted to be a gentleman and also told him of Estella, Biddy was very sad because she is in love with Pip and Pip confessed to him that he wanted be in love with her and wondered which would be better, if continue as a blacksmith and keep Biddy or walt to see if Miss. Havisham inherited  his fortune and Estella married.                                                                     VOCABULARY                                                                                                                                           -Scolding: regaño              -deliberality: deliberadamente           -Indeed: en efecto                        -Unconscious: inconsciente       -Rushed: prisa        -Marry: casarse                                             -Luckily: por suerte        -Gladly : con alegria        - Hammer : martillo                                        -Beside : al lado de

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